Pay attention to this game!!
As I expected this "homage" to Advance Wars is loaded with bugs and design oversights, which will hopefully be fixed by the author in future patches. Mechanics seem to be in place, just needs that extra coat of polish that makes a game professional. In time this app could very well replicate the greatness of that series.
I spent my $3 giving this app a chance to hopefully send a message to Nintendo and Intelligent Systems: that gamers want this game on their Apple products! If a near perfect port of a 13 year old GBA game finds its way to the app store I would gladly pay $20 for it. If its by Nintendo or IS Ill pay even more! Just raising my voice as a consumer.
For the author, solid effort man. Please keep polishing this game and people will pay attention to it.
homi-wan about
Front Wars, v1.0.44